Abdel Altarazi

Fullstack Developer

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Click images to navigate to projects

BasePay App

The webapp and server for BasePay, a service for sharing wages and information about workplaces and displaying them on a map!

No Cap Shop

Inspired by Nixon Watches' website, this is a replicant of the site, but for keyboards!

The Ultimate Duel

A real-time 1v1 online game where you can compete with your friends in battles and see who the Ultimate Duelist is!

My Summary

A single page application that displays a summary of news, social network feeds, weather, commute, and ticker prices that you are interested in.


Learn more about me below.



React Redux Material UI Css3 Html5 Bootstrap


Node.js Express Socket.io MongoDB PostgreSQL


AWS Docker Git Heroku Heroku


Client Focus

At my job, I work closely with clients to get an understanding of their expectations, discuss potential problems, and provide solutions that can meet their needs. A happy client is a client that wants more work. I understand how important clients are and I do my best to take care of them.

Problem Solving

Problem solving, at its core, is the essential skill of every engineer. Overcoming roadblocks is something I do on a daily basis, wheter at my job or when working on my projects. A difficult problem is a challenge I know I can overcome.

Team Work

Behind every successful project is a great team. A good team is one that synergizes well, where individuals compliment each others' strengths and weaknesses. Whether during my day job or my side organizations, I enjoy communicating with team members, getting their point of view, and working together to take our projects to the next level.


My experience in management goes back to my university days, where I managed a team of 16 students through product design, marketing, production, and sale. I really enjoy management, and working with others to teach them and help them achieve their goals is something I found to be important for self growth and team success .

A little about me

I enjoy learning new technologies for my projects. My projects are built with passion, and I enjoy giving them detail down to the molecular level. There is dedication is behind every project from git init all the way to connecting its client, server, and database online. Although I am continuously improving my projects, the difference between each is a testament to how much I learned over time.

A barebones/lower-level approach is how I learn best. This gives the foundation to implement tools and libraries, understand how they work, and appreciate how much time they save. This applies to both development and operations.

I like to engage with the programming community to learn and educate others. This allows me to pick up on best practices and reinforce my knowledge by teaching it. You can find me browsing the many programming forums answering and asking questions.

My skillset helps me stand out as a leader and improve my quality of work as an engineer. I have demonstrated experience in management, working with clients, engineering to solve problems, and staying on top of project schedules and budges. These skills are crucial for timely delivery of quality products in team environments.

Contact Me

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